This overview shows a selection of my client work from the CGI/3D-, Motion-Design- and Interactive-Industry.
Sharp 8K Technology & Ecosystem
e-Commerce 3D Boxes
Power Plug Animated Ad
3D Packshot: Head & Shoulders
3D Visualisation: Nikon D7100
3D Visualisation: Bianchi Bicycle
Short Film: Armor Man (2020)
Short Film: PATTERNS (2024)
Short Film: Color to the Sunset Sky (2021)
Machine Visualizations
3D Visualisations of Popular Devices
Acoustic Mobile App
Short Film: The Risk not Taken (2011)
Short Film: Evolution (2009)
Children’s Savings Account Ad
Buhler Sortex A Sorting Machine
Short Film: In-Between Ends (2010)
Future Plant Control